Westside Downloadable Seminars- Conjugate System™
Westside Downloadable Seminars- Conjugate System™

Westside Downloadable Seminars- Conjugate System™

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"Many have asked how Westside developed the conjugate system™ and why. I started training full time in powerlifting in late 1969 after returning from the army. I had my first power meet in 1966. What an experience! I lifted along with four future world champions: Milt McKinney, George Crawford, who gave me countless tips on squatting, Larry Pacifico, and Vince Anello, who was the deadlifting machine. I asked Vince what helped his deadlift. His reply, "everything helps my deadlift." It sounded vague, but Vince was using the conjugate system, although it was unnamed. George was the squat king. His training was a combination of regular squats, box squats, old Westside style (meaning Culver City, CA, style), rack squats, and good mornings, which contributed to his success. 


  • Format: MP4
  • Requirements: Wifi is required for it to download
  • Suggestion: Download to your computer first before downloading to your phone.
  • Run Time: 2hr
  • Customer Reviews

    Based on 5 reviews

    Learn the amazing benefits of the Conjugate System.

    Ramzan Mohamed
    The Conjugate System of Training Methods

    Maximal Effort Method
    Supra-Maximal Method

    Riccardo Fort

    There's no such thing as Louie's methods. Even Charles Poliquin speaks about him in his books.

    Ivaylo Petrov

    Westside Downloadable Seminars- Conjugate System™

    Riccardo Bonassisa

    Westside Downloadable Seminars- Conjugate System™