Developing Explosive Athletes
Developing Explosive Athletes

Developing Explosive Athletes


In this updated edition of Developing explosive athletes, there has been a tremendous amount of information added, keeping up with the tremendous amount of research that comes out every month in this space.  Some of the topics addressed in this edition (in addition to the previous information) are velocity loss, different technologies for VBT, force-velocity profiling, and individual load-velocity profiling.

Velocity loss is a very versatile means for VBT that enables you to determine how much fatigue you want the athlete to accrue.  The amount of fatigue accrued will drive the adaptations.  For instance, if the coach wants to minimize fatigue while still training heavy, a minimal velocity loss (10%) can be implemented.  This will allow a stimulus while not overpowering the system, preventing the resistance training from requiring too much energy for recovery.  If an athlete needs to increase muscle mass appreciably, a larger velocity loss (40%) would be utilized to maximize hypertrophy.  This and much more is delved in to for velocity loss.

There are many different types of devices to measure the velocity of the barbell currently.  It is difficult for someone to understand what the devices do and how they work to derive velocity.  There is definitely a cost to benefit analysis that needs to be undergone to make the appropriate choice for your unique situation.  Having an understanding of the pluses and minuses of each technology enables you to make the best decision.

Force velocity profiling in this text essentially breaks apart the power calculation into its components of force and velocity.  By understanding how the athlete develops power through these two components, it enables more informed decisions with how training should be guided.  In this section we also discuss how to determine what the athlete needs to enhance power to the greatest extent.

Finally, individual load velocity profiling is going to be discussed in detail for the first time in this text.  Zones rely on averages, and there are many instances in research when not a single individual will possess a mean value.  Currently there is a trend towards strength coaches working with smaller groups, having a more favorable coach to athlete ratio.  The more favorable ratio coupled with an increased understanding and utilization of velocity can enable the coach to examine the individual load-velocity relationship rather than the group mean.  This may lead to greater increases in the athletes adaptations for speed and power.

It has taken five years for this update to come to fruition, and we are excited to be able to bring it to you in a no nonsense and the easiest to understand manner.  We hope you find this book informative and enjoyable.

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