Strength Training Articles

Conjugate Method Articles

Articles Tagged with Conjugate Method
5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat

5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat

Accessory exercises are a significant part of Conjugate Method training. Each training day, 20% of our volume will come from our main exercise, while the remaining 80% will include accessory exercises. Our strategy is to use these exercises to resolve identified weaknesses and bring up lagging muscle groups so the selected accessory movements can vary from athlete to athlete. 

Fri Mar 21, 2025
What Do Shoulder Shrugs Work?

What Do Shoulder Shrugs Work?

When combined with other back exercises, such as barbell rows and cable pulldowns, shoulder shrug variations will help ensure the back is properly trained. This attention to detail will lead to direct improvements in the competition lifts when training the mid and upper back. Whether squatting, benching, or deadlifting, the mid and upper back play a crucial role in completing the lift. 

Wed Mar 19, 2025
Starting Conjugate: Basic Accessory Exercise Programming

Starting Conjugate: Basic Accessory Exercise Programming

While exercise selection certainly plays a role in accessory exercise training success, the most critical aspect of this training is how the sets and reps are programmed. Appropriate set and rep programming selections will dictate the training adaptations that occur and, when selected correctly, can lead to significant increases in training efficiency. 

Mon Mar 17, 2025
The Chest-Supported Row

The Chest-Supported Row

One type of back exercise we often include is the chest-supported row. While there are many variations of chest-supported rows, the idea behind the exercise is generally the same. Our goal is to limit the amount of momentum achieved using excess leg or torso movement, which places greater emphasis on the mid and upper back along with the rear delts to do much of the work. 

Sat Mar 15, 2025
The Conventional Deadlift

The Conventional Deadlift

The conventional deadlift is one of the two primary stances used when performing a competition-style deadlift. This stance emphasizes the posterior chain and helps strengthen the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and mid-back. Essentially, the conventional stance deadlift trains the posterior chain from the ankles to the ears and even helps address some anterior chain muscles as well. 

Wed Mar 12, 2025
The Front Squat

The Front Squat

The front squat is a multi-joint exercise that emphasizes the anterior chain while remaining capable of adequately training the posterior chain muscles. This movement helps to improve the strength of the quadriceps, hip flexors, back, and trunk. This variation is often one of the first squat variations we use when training athletes, as it helps to improve strength and technique in the competition squat directly. 

Sun Mar 09, 2025
Maximizing Your Gains: A Guide to the Bench Press Exercise

Maximizing Your Gains: A Guide to the Bench Press Exercise

Whether an athlete wants to improve their upper body strength, or a powerlifter seeks to improve their competition total, the bench press is an exercise that should be performed regularly. This exercise can be performed in various ways, including special exercise variations that utilize different specialty bars and accommodating resistance setups. 

Tue Mar 04, 2025
The Westside Barbell Speed Bench Training Guide

The Westside Barbell Speed Bench Training Guide

A proper speed bench workout comes down to execution and programming. Execution is most important, considering the intent at which each rep is performed is what separates dynamic effort training from repeated effort training. Additionally, athletes must develop proper form to ensure injury does not occur when training at higher velocities. 

Tue Feb 25, 2025
Powerlifting Exercises: Essential Movements to Improve Strength

Powerlifting Exercises: Essential Movements to Improve Strength

Unlike other approaches to powerlifting, we do not exclude exercises due to a lack of specificity. We understand that the greatest level of training specificity is when the exercise selection and programming directly match the athlete's current needs. There is much more to specificity than the use of competition-relevant equipment. 

Thu Feb 20, 2025
Basic Conjugate Training Advice XI

Basic Conjugate Training Advice XI

No training method compares to the Conjugate Method. Lou's approach to training can develop all aspects of strength, speed, and athleticism at a rate that cannot be matched by other training methods. Whether we are training strength or conventional sports athletes, the results remain the same—stronger, faster, and better conditioned. 

Thu Feb 13, 2025
How to Organize and Program a Training Day

How to Organize and Program a Training Day

At Westside, we understand that energy levels must be appropriately managed for a training day to be effective. This means that we select and organize exercises in a way that ensures the athlete performing the movements will have adequate energy to execute each exercise properly without missing any sets or reps. 

Thu Jan 30, 2025
Alternative Dynamic Effort Training Waves

Alternative Dynamic Effort Training Waves

The dynamic effort method is one of the three primary training methods featured within the...

Mon Jan 20, 2025
Common Conjugate Mistakes

Common Conjugate Mistakes

High-level sports performance requires an athlete to possess multiple strengths and skills to be successful. Knowing this, it makes sense that the most optimal training method would simultaneously train multiple strengths and abilities. If we want to build an athlete's strengths and skills in the most efficient manner, the Conjugate Method is the logical choice. 

Thu Jan 09, 2025
Basic Conjugate Training Advice X

Basic Conjugate Training Advice X

Lou's work will continue to be adopted on a mass scale. This is because the Conjugate Method is at the peak of effectiveness when fully developing all aspects of athletic performance. From absolute strength to speed training, the Conjugate Method provides a platform for the enlightened strength coach to prepare any athlete for any sport to the highest degree. 

Thu Dec 26, 2024
Conjugate for Wrestling: Max Effort

Conjugate for Wrestling: Max Effort

The maximal effort method is a strength training method used to improve absolute strength. The...

Tue Dec 17, 2024
Starting Conjugate: Standard Powerlifting Competition Strategy

Starting Conjugate: Standard Powerlifting Competition Strategy

For some, this may be considered common sense. However, I wanted to write this article to provide beginner—and intermediate-level lifters with information that could lead to fewer missed attempts and improved totals. Who knows, it may even help some of you "experts" out there. 

Tue Dec 10, 2024
Conjugate for Strongman: Max Effort Upper Exercise Selection

Conjugate for Strongman: Max Effort Upper Exercise Selection

The Conjugate Method not only helps improve strength but also allows athletes to become proficient in a variety of overhead press variations. In a sport like Strongman, where you never know what demands might be placed upon you in the next competition, this style of training only makes sense. 

Fri Nov 29, 2024
Workout Walkthrough: Combined DE 11/15/24

Workout Walkthrough: Combined DE 11/15/24

Overall, a solid training day. It's good to be back to squatting and benching relatively pain-free. 

Thu Nov 21, 2024
Solving Fatigue-Related Issues

Solving Fatigue-Related Issues

Proper management of training fatigue may be the most important aspect of strength training. While many focus on exercise selection, sets, repetitions, and overall program design, none of that matters if training fatigue is not kept in check. Aside from genetics, training fatigue management ultimately decides your response to and success with strength training. 

Tue Nov 12, 2024
Workout Walkthrough: Max Effort Upper

Workout Walkthrough: Max Effort Upper

I am now back at Westside Barbell training full-time and wanted to use this opportunity to provide more insight into how we train at the gym. These articles will feature training videos as well as brief explanations and opinions. Ideally, lifters will use these articles to compare notes or double-check the technique and execution of various exercises. 

Wed Nov 06, 2024