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Special Strength Certificate
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Special Strength Certificate

Special Strength Certificate

$750 $200
Exam Type: Please select an option

There are only 2 methods of training being used today. Regardless of what you currently believe or have been taught. Everything else is basically well marketed and highly lucrative smoke and mirrors. The methods are simple and they are training Athletes Correctly or Training Athletes Incorrectly.

By undertaking the Westside Special Strength Certificate you are equipping yourself with the correct theoretical and practical training methodology that optimizes athletic performance regardless of sporting background. This is the best strength and special strength training method in the world.

Learn to train using the Conjugate Methods

At Westside we stand by what we say. We have the results to back up what we preach. Everything that is being taught in this certification is backed up by peer-reviewed research and by athletic results.

No Other Strength or Special Strength Certificate can Say The Same!



This package will allow for you to take the Certificate Exam on this site within a six month period. The exam entry expires after six months at which time you would have to renew it to be able to take the exam more times. The exam consists of 100 questions which need to be answered with at least 70% correct answers for you to pass the exam.

The Exam is time limited - you can only take it with 4 months in between exams in case you fail! If you start the exam, it will be counted as one attempt and even if you quit before finishing, you will have to wait for four months until you can take the exam again.

When you start the exam, you will have 4 hours to complete it - this gives you more than enough time to answer all questions. When you have finished the exam and submitted it, it will be corrected by Westside Barbell staff and you will receive the certificate, if you pass, by mail.


1- Exam Only

This is where you are paying to take the exam and have access to our education administration team to help answer any questions you may have. It will be up to the candidate to obtain/purchase all the required study material.

2- Basic Study Material Needed

This option has The basic study material required to take the exam. It includes exam entry and access to our education administration team to help answer any questions you may have.

Material Included

  • Westside Barbell Book Of Methods
  • Squat And Deadlift Manual
  • Bench Press Manual
  • Explosive Strength Development for Jumping
  • Olympic Weightlifting Strength Manual
  • Special Strength Development for All Sports
  • Strength Manual for Running
  • Special Strengths Certification DVD's - 
  • A seminar discussion with Dr. Nicholas S. Romanov
  • A seminar discussion with Louie Simmons
  • A specific lecture on success at the NFL combine by Louie Simmons
  • A specific lecture discussing Explosive Power Training by Louie Simmons
  • A seminar discussion of Ju-Jitsu and combat fitness training by John Saylor

3 - All Study Material Needed 

On signing up you will receive the following

  • A DVD symposium of Louie Simmons and other authors discussing The Special Strength Certificate
    • A seminar discussion with Dr. Nicholas S. Romanov
    • A seminar discussion with Louie Simmons
    • A specific lecture on success at the NFL combine by Louie Simmons
    • A specific lecture discussing Explosive Power Training by Louie Simmons
    • A seminar discussion of Ju-Jitsu and combat fitness training by John Saylor
  • Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for all Sports by Thomas Kurtz and Tadeusz Starzynski
  • Managing the Training of the Weightlifters by Nikolai Petrovich Laputin and Valentin Grigoryevich Oleshko
  • Science and Practice of Strength Training by Vladimir Zatsiorsky and William Kraemer
  • The Science of Sports Training by Thomas Kurtz
  • Special Strengths Development For All Sports by Louie Simmons
  • Explosive Strength Development For All Sports by Louie Simmons
  • Supertraining by Mel Siff
  • Westside Barbell Book of Methods by Louie Simmons
  • Basic Physics Manual
  • Facts and Fallacies of Fitness by Mel C. Siff
  • Strength Manual for Running by Louie Simmons
  • Squat and Deadlift Manual by Louie Simmons
  • Bench Press Manual by Louie Simmons
  • Olympic Weightlifting Strength Manual by Louie Simmons

“If you run with the lame you will develop a limp.”

- Louie Simmons

Learn From Louie

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Colin Burgess

Very informative books. These guys make lifting into an applied science where you understand what you are doing, and you do it to avoid injury. I will be applying these principles to bodybuilding more than strength training, but I believe the ideas equally apply.

Michael Meyers

Upon signing up one of the main reasons and selling points for doing so after speaking to Louie on phone was the support that Westside was giving to their coaches including listing on website and prerequisite to become Westside Certified Gym. The list of coaches was on site but seemingly since Louies passing they are no longer promoting their coaches. Clearly, I cannot be who was told that and spent 1500 that is disappointed with lack of support. It should be noted material and content in certification package were amazing although they didn't offer alot books or tapes in the study material they so now. To sum, I learned enormous amount of information and the study material will always be revelent. As for support or any type of assistance promoting the hard work and significant financial investment forget it. The issue is not many people have any idea what Westside SSC is and in my opinion and I hope I'm not alone is Westside has opportunity to provide info on Certified coaches to public, athletes, all their privare, collegiate, and professional customers who buy their other products. Maybe in 10- 15 years could of rivaled CSCS or at least teams and strength& Conditioning facilities would be more familiar and prospective coaches would know that their investment in time and money would not be for just self improvement. I could of bought some books, watched YouTube, and actually went to piwerlifting meets if that's all I cared about.

Ricky Brown

I started to put into place the conjugate and so far I the variations and the results. The material is great. The only reason I did not give it 5 stars is it is still early for a full judgement and I wish there was a lot less of Louie boosting about the results. I get it that is what you are selling, but wow to much.

Abello Brice
One of the best class that i’ve done

I am very enthusiastic to continue to learn from Westside
What i’ve learn is very scientific, and i love this approach about training. Let’s continue !

Chalres deT
Special Strength Certificate

I received the course material and it was obvious USPS damaged the box during shipment. Some of the material was lost in transit. Westside IMMEDIATELY corrected the situation even though the fault was not theirs. Top notch service every time I order something from Westside.
Looking forward to obtaining my Special Strengths Certificate!