The Rule of Three is a manual written by Louie Simmons, where he explores how the former Soviet Union's approach to raising General Physical Preparedness (GPP) in young athletes (ages 7-10) can be applied with modern-day advancements. This book dives into the development differences between boys and girls at this early stage, while also covering essential elements like genetics, flexibility, endurance, general strength, and jumping ability.
Simmons pulls from decades of experience and research to demonstrate how these foundational principles can help train younger athletes, offering an approachable guide for coaches, trainers, and parents alike.
- Cover: Paperback
- Pages: 101
- Weight: 0.25 lbs
- Level of Difficulty: Easy – Ideal for anyone looking to understand the training of younger athletes and how to develop their physical preparedness.
This manual is an excellent resource for those working with youth in athletics and seeking to build a solid foundation for future athletic development.