Warm Training

Warm Training
Dynamic Lower

Sled Pull x8 Trips
-no rest
-light weight baby

1️⃣Dynamic Box Squat 12x2@50%1RM
-bow bar
-bands (~25% additional accommodating resistance at top)

2️⃣2” Conventional Deficit Speed Pulls 12x1@50% 1RM
-bands ~200lbs at top for male
-bands ~100lbs at top for female

3️⃣Plyo Swing 4x20
-feet high and wide on plate

4️⃣Reverse Hyper 5x30@65% 1RM Back Squat
-glute emphasis
5️⃣Seated Banded Hamstring Curls x100(each set)

6️⃣Standing Cable Abs 3x15(each oblique)

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