WSBB #46 - Louie Simmons | Origins of Westside Barbell
Podcast: Louie Simmons on the Origins of the Conjugate Method and Westside Barbell
Join Westside Barbell founder Louie Simmons as he explores the origins of the Conjugate Method and the early days of Westside Barbell. Dive deep into the history of powerlifting, influential figures, and how the gym became what it is today.
Topics Discussed
- Welcome
- Westside Barbell Culver City
- Box Squat Origins
- Bill "Peanuts" West
- Training at the YMCA
- Powerlifting in the 1960s
- Joe DeMarco
- Pat Casey
- George Frenn
- No Gear
- Transition to the Conjugate Method
- Discovering Soviet Training
- Realising Conjugate works
- Improvements utilized from the Conjugate System
- Introducing Bands and Chains
- Verkhoshansky and Zatsiorsky
- Cross-referencing Books
- Mel Siff
- Embracing Conjugate
- Changes in Powerlifting history
- Ed Coan
- Difference between Now and Back then
- Why start a gym?
- When did the gym become Westside-Barbell?
- Where was the first Westside?
- The first crew
- Where did the logo Nitro come from?
- Kenny Patterson
- George Halbert
- Crazy Gym Lifts
- Mark Bell, Dave Tate, Chuck Vogelpohl
- Dave Hoff
- Raw Deadlift Strength at Westside
- Louie's whole world