Basic Conjugate Training Advice XI

Training competitive athletes requires a methodology that addresses all aspects of athletic performance. The athlete's chosen training method will ultimately set the course for their athletic success. No matter how genetically gifted an athlete may be, the training method used in the gym will decide the level of success they're able to achieve.
What sets the Conjugate Method apart from all other strength training methodologies is its ability to address all aspects of athletic training. If an athlete needs to improve their absolute strength, we can do that. If an athlete needs to improve their rate of force development and explosive power, we can do that. If an athlete needs to improve their overall physical composition, we can do that as well.
With the Conjugate Method, there are few, if any, limits. The only thing that limits its effectiveness and efficiency is the mind of the coach in charge of the training. The intent of the Basic Conjugate Training Advice series is to provide useful information for all coaches and athletes using the Conjugate Method to improve their understanding and implementation of the method.
Below, I will provide a few pieces of advice to help ensure the success of anyone using our methods.
Changing Up Accessory Exercises
Accessory exercises are a critical part of any Conjugate-based training plan. Not only do they make up the bulk of our training volume, but they also play a crucial role in improving squat, bench press, and deadlift performance. With accessory exercises, we can address weak muscle groups, increase overall muscle mass, and improve an athlete's physical composition.
However, coaches and athletes new to Conjugate often wonder how frequently they should change their accessory exercise selections. One option is to keep the same selections for the duration of a three-week training wave, opting for a new battery of accessory exercises every three weeks. The other option is to change up accessory exercise selections weekly.
Typically, beginners will benefit most from rotating accessory exercise selections every three weeks. This will allow the beginner-level athlete to develop familiarity and competency with the accessory movements, leading to improved training outcomes both in the short term and in the future. If we rotate accessory exercises too often with a beginner-level athlete, we risk the movements being performed with less-than-satisfactory execution.
Changing accessory exercises week to week can be advantageous for intermediate or advanced-level athletes. This provides a more focused approach to accessory exercise programming, with movements being selected based on the previous week or even the current training session. This approach offers significant benefits regarding exercise selection specificity, allowing athletes to immediately work on the most recently identified weakness or lagging muscle group.
Instead of waiting until the three-week wave is over, this approach allows athletes to make accessory exercise selections on a workout-to-workout basis, which can potentially improve their rate of improvement. Of course, athletes must have the knowledge and experience to make the correct choices, which is why this option is reserved for intermediate—or advanced-level athletes.
Conditioning for Powerlifters
At Westside, we have always focused on ensuring the athletes we work with have the work capacity and physical fitness to train and recover at a high level. Our training sessions are no walk in the park, so it is imperative that athletes have the gas tank necessary to complete and recover from each workout. As Lou often stated, a pyramid is only as tall as its base, and that base is built by improving the overall physical fitness of the athlete.
This refers to athletes having the necessary level of movement competency and physical fitness to reach high levels of barbell training. While many powerlifters may not see the benefit of expanding their cardiovascular capabilities, a fit athlete will be able to tolerate and recover from training much more efficiently than the athlete with lackluster work capacity and overall physical fitness.
However, it is important to note that powerlifters must only be as in shape as the sport demands. This means we want our athletes to be able to train at a high level and recover from workouts, as well as be capable of getting through a powerlifting competition without worrying about fading due to fatigue towards the end of a meet.
Fortunately, this does not take much work, and the fitness level needed to excel in powerlifting can be easily achieved.
At Westside, the first thing we focus on is training density. Training density measures how much work gets accomplished in a specific amount of time. To ensure our training density remains high, we focus on taking as little of a break between sets as possible.
It is important to note that this does not mean totally avoiding rest or putting yourself back under a barbell when you know you're not fit to take the next set. Ideally, we want to gradually lower our rest times over an extended period of time, allowing enough recovery between sets to ensure movement quality and exercise execution remain optimal.
The next option for improving our powerlifters' conditioning is GPP work, such as sleds, wheelbarrow walks, farmers' walks, or tread sled work. This is typically our first option when focusing on developing the fitness of a beginner-level or out-of-shape athlete. As these movements are implemented, athletes will begin noticing improvements in overall physical fitness. Once this occurs, we can begin lowering rest times and increasing training density without worrying about athletes incurring injury due to shortened rest times and a lack of cardiovascular fitness.
Remember, the goal in powerlifting is to be as strong as possible, so we only need to achieve a level of conditioning that allows the athlete to avoid gassing out at meets. We do not want to become so focused on work capacity and cardiovascular fitness that we interrupt other aspects of our training.
The Gambler
Kenny Rogers once said, "You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em." These lyrics ring true in the world of strength training. One of the worst mistakes an athlete can make when training with the Conjugate Method is overestimating their strength, fitness, and skillset. Our methods are demanding and require athletes to know themselves to ensure training remains productive.
This is especially true during max effort training. When performing max effort training, an athlete's success will depend on their ability to make smart decisions in real-time as the training session is happening.
The goal of max effort training is to train at the highest level of intensity possible, leading to the intended training adaptation—an increase in absolute strength. For this to occur, athletes must exceed the 90% intensity threshold. The magnitude of the adaptation increases the closer an athlete can get to 100% or a new PR lift. Depending on the athlete's experience performing the training, this can become a bit of a tightrope walk.
The first thing all athletes must consider when making max effort training decisions is their level of fatigue going into the session and the level of accrued fatigue leading up to the top set. If an athlete walks into the gym already tired, a max effort PR will likely be a bit risky. If an athlete walks into the gym in a near-perfect state of recovery, we know a max effort PR is at least in the cards for the day.
Here is some advice I can offer regarding max effort training: If you are second-guessing your ability to hit a PR or successfully complete the next jump, it is often best to call it a day and move on to accessory work. Almost every time I have thought that the next weight jump is a bad idea, it has always ended up being a bad idea.
Some may say this is a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it has happened enough that I can confidently say that if you have to talk yourself into going for a PR, it is likely that PR would be best left on the table for next time. Leaving a set in the tank and living to train another day will always beat a muscle strain or tear that interrupts training for the next 6-12 weeks (or longer).
Westside Rules
No training method compares to the Conjugate Method. Lou's approach to training can develop all aspects of strength, speed, and athleticism at a rate that cannot be matched by other training methods. Whether we are training strength or conventional sports athletes, the results remain the same—stronger, faster, and better conditioned.
Looking around today's strength and conditioning world, you can see Lou's influence everywhere. Whether coaches call it Conjugate or concurrent (the preferred term used by coaches who want to lie to themselves and pretend like they didn't discover this style of training because of Louie Simmons), the methods as understood today are a direct product of the work and research done by Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell.
As much as the modern arrogant strength coach may try, they will never outdo or outthink Louie. He was here first and will remain a force to be reckoned with, considering the plan and legacy he left behind. Thank you to all those who support us. Good luck to all those who oppose us.
Simmons, L. (2007). Westside Barbell Book of Methods. Westside Barbell.