Max Effort Upper Week 14 Day 2

Max Effort Upper Week 14 Day 2
Warm up
Band push downs
Lat pull downs
Do a few reps with the bar to get familiar with it, do a few warm up sets until you are ready to engage in the max effort movement.
The Lift - Straight bar Future Method
To set up for this put the bands around the top of the rack and then attach to the barbell
As with the Lower body Max Effort, after you have warmed up take no more than 7 working sets to hit a new 1rm.
If you know your max then you should only do 3 lifts above 90% and the third one should be a new PR. If you don’t then go till you hit something that’s as heavy as you can safely lift but don’t get greedy and fail. If you are unsure leave it where it stands and get a new record next time.
Deep breath in the hold throughout the lift. Always start the concentric phase by firing the triceps first
Close grip bench 5x5
Narrow grip Lat pull downs 3x20
Single arm seated rows 3x15
Chest supported reverse flys 3xmax
Banded side twists for abs 3x25