The BOB: What is it?

The BOB quite honestly can change the way a lifter/athlete performs. From the classical and base lifts to stability, mobility, balance, and gait The BOB can help.
For stretching, strengthening, and enhancing the leg and calf muscles that most people do not like to exercise. You will be able to stretch your achilles, tibialis, and gastrocnemius muscles to places they have never been before.
WSBB Lifter's Squat Protocol
Calf Flexion(raises) x30sec
Achilles Static Stretch x30sec
Calf Flexion(raises) x45sec
Achilles Static Stretch x45sec
Calf Flexion(raises) x1min
Achilles Static Stretch x1min
*perform these exercises back-to-back with no rest(if balance is an issue, we start athletes by holding a power rack beam)
The main reason this happens is because your toes are straight, not bent. When doing a calf-rise THE BOB will able you to use the full range of motion with an isokinetic exercise. The calf muscles work from top to bottom with NO STRESS, NO PAIN to the KNEE at all. THE BOB is great for any age.
When you walk, jog or run THE BOB will make your exercising simple and easy. All stretching and strengthening of your legs muscles will be enhanced through isokinetic exercise. This is a kind of muscular contraction in which muscles contract at a constant speed against varying degrees of resistance.
Isometric is against immovable resistance and does not change the length of a muscles. Isotonic is a kind of muscular constant in which muscles contract at varying speeds against a constant resistance, which will affect the tibialis muscle. Both anterior and posterior will help in eliminating the chance for shin splints, a very painful injury. The gastrocnemius and achilles will stretch to the full range of motion with the use of THE BOB from both ways. Your Speed, Balance, Quickness, Vertical Jump and Flexibility will increase for both your personal and athletic use.
THE BOB will decrease your chances of injury by using your own body weight. THE BOB will automatically keep you within your natural ability. Gently rock your toes forward, then rock back to your heels, repeating the BOBBING motion from heel to toe. Proper "foot placement and standing straight up is very important to maintain your center of gravity. Hold on to a wall or counter. You will make a more difficult exercise while gradually placing your feet back further till your toes are on the edge of THE BOB. Reverse THE BOB repeating the same, but moving your feet forward till your heel is at the edge, this will benefit your achilles tendon and tibialis muscle. This is the simplest calf builder and strengthener. THE BOB is quick and fun to use and can be used in conjunction with your every day exercise regiment.