Maximal Lower

Max Effort Lower
Bow Bar Box Squat 1RM
-against band(s)
-parallel box
Bow Bar Box Squat 1xMax Reps
-75% of 1RM just found
-same band tension
Back Attack Machine 3x8
-1sec pause at bottom
-if no Back Attack Machine, perform Safety Bar Good Mornings (same pause)
Standing Leg Curl 3x12(each leg)
-keep glutes tight
Reverse Hyper 3x35@60%
-% of 1RM straight bar back squat
Standing Banded Abs 4x20
Bow Bar Box Squat 1RM
-against band(s)
-parallel box
Bow Bar Box Squat 1xMax Reps
-75% of 1RM just found
-same band tension
Back Attack Machine 3x8
-1sec pause at bottom
-if no Back Attack Machine, perform Safety Bar Good Mornings (same pause)
Standing Leg Curl 3x12(each leg)
-keep glutes tight
Reverse Hyper 3x35@60%
-% of 1RM straight bar back squat
Standing Banded Abs 4x20