Workout Walkthrough: Max Effort Upper

I am now back at Westside Barbell training full-time and wanted to use this opportunity to provide more insight into how we train at the gym. These articles will feature training videos as well as brief explanations and opinions. Ideally, lifters will use these articles to compare notes or double-check the technique and execution of various exercises.
In this article, the training day I will review is this week’s max effort upper work. Last week, I executed a max effort bench press versus the new WSBB resistance bands. If you have been wondering what’s with the new bands, they will be released on Black Friday. These bands are very durable and are simple to use.
This week, I decided to go with an overhead press movement, opting for a max effort single in the hang clean and press. I typically choose an overhead press exercise each month, and the hang clean and press is one of the best variations. It is a brute strength-focused exercise that will develop strong shoulders, triceps, and the mid and upper back.
The accessory exercises included heavy close grip work, incline dumbbell bench presses (no video), neutral grip lat pulldowns, neutral grip tricep pressdowns, cable bicep curls, and face pulls.
With the close grip bench, I initially planned on four sets of five reps but decided to work up to a heavy single to raise the intensity. While I would not advise beginners to use this move, it is a way for intermediate or advanced lifters to achieve meaningful training stimulus to increase absolute strength.
I do not regularly work up to a heavy single when executing a primary accessory exercise, but it can be a beneficial move when energy levels and recovery permit.
Here are the videos from this week’s max effort upper training:
Hang Clean and Press
This is the final set of the hang clean and press work. Didn’t feel heavy, but I have been dealing with some instability in my left knee for the past week. Considering a PR wasn’t within reach, I decided to call it there and avoid testing the knee.
Close Grip Bench Press
This is the second set, with 365 lbs for five reps. It felt easy, so I moved up to 405 lbs for the next set.
The third set is another set of five reps with 405 lbs. After this, I decided to work up to a heavy single.
This is the fourth and final set of the exercise. I decided to go with a heavy single here, considering I left some weight on the table during the hang clean and press. Since energy levels allowed for it, I executed a heavy single rep.
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Unfortunately, I did not get a video of the dumbbell bench press sets. The idea here is simple: target the upper chest and anterior shoulders. I went with four sets of 12-15 reps. I used 120lb dumbbells for the first two sets and 100lb dumbbells for the last two sets.
Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown
While this is a pulldown on a lat pulldown machine, I am trying to bias towards training the posterior shoulders and trapezius. I like to use this attachment as it best allows me to target the mid and upper back. While optimal training bros may disagree, it works for me.
I went with four sets of 10-12 reps for this exercise.
Neutral Grip Tricep Pressdown / Cable Bicep Curl
Considering the amount of pressing in this workout, I decided to keep the tricep-focused training simple. I kept the neutral grip bar on the lat pulldown and went with four sets of 10-12 reps of neutral grip tricep pressdowns. The pressdowns were done as a superset along with cable bicep curls.
This is simple and to-the-point arm training. I often use cables to train my biceps, as I feel a proper cable machine offers the best resistance curve.
Face Pulls
The final exercise of the training day is face pulls. I often end my upper training days with this exercise, as it helps the shoulders and neck loosen up after a heavy press day. Face pulls are a great exercise to end the training day with and help to improve shoulder strength and stability.
That’s it for this week’s max effort upper training day. Comment below with any questions.