Strength Training Articles

Deadlift Articles

Articles Tagged with Deadlift
The Conventional Deadlift

The Conventional Deadlift

The conventional deadlift is one of the two primary stances used when performing a competition-style deadlift. This stance emphasizes the posterior chain and helps strengthen the hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and mid-back. Essentially, the conventional stance deadlift trains the posterior chain from the ankles to the ears and even helps address some anterior chain muscles as well. 

Wed Mar 12, 2025
Introduction to Deficit Deadlifts

Introduction to Deficit Deadlifts

The deficit deadlift is a lower-body exercise variation that extends the overall range of motion of a traditional deadlift, placing an increased demand on the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

This exercise is often used as a main exercise during a max effort training day but can also be used as an accessory exercise on both max and dynamic effort training days. At Westside, the deficit deadlift is one of our more frequently used deadlift exercise variations.

Fri Jul 19, 2024
The Seated Deadlift

The Seated Deadlift

The seated deadlift is a lower-body exercise variation used to improve hip strength and deadlift technique. When performed correctly, it targets the superficial and deep gluteal muscles, adductor muscles, iliopsoas group, and abdominals. Depending on how the exercise is programmed, it can be used to build or test strength and technique.

Fri Jun 28, 2024
How to Fix Your Deadlift Weakness

How to Fix Your Deadlift Weakness

Improvement depends on your ability to be honest with yourself and acknowledge your weaknesses in the gym. Once this is done, a plan of attack can be formulated to address the identified weaknesses. This becomes a pattern, and after some time, fewer and fewer weaknesses exist while sports performance continues to improve. Be honest with yourself and your training - always seek to find and destroy weaknesses. 

Sat Sep 02, 2023
Westside Barbell Deadlift Variation Guide

Westside Barbell Deadlift Variation Guide

One exercise that plays a central role in any Conjugate Method program is the deadlift. We utilize the deadlift and include the many variations of the deadlift that are just as effective at building strength and muscle mass. The reason for this is the deadlift's ability to develop posterior strength, often at a rate faster than most other lower body exercises. 

Sun Apr 30, 2023
How to Deadlift Correctly

How to Deadlift Correctly

As with any exercise, the key to success is learning how to deadlift correctly. Execution is vital for two reasons. One, proper execution will keep you from injuring yourself, and two, proper execution ensures the exercise is targeting the correct muscle groups. Either way, failure to execute proper form will ultimately result in failure or injury. 

Sun Jan 15, 2023
Max Effort Deadlift Variations for Athletes

Max Effort Deadlift Variations for Athletes

As an athlete, one of the most important attributes you can develop is your absolute strength. Today, many coaches dispute the need for max effort training. These coaches will say that max effort training places an athlete at an increased risk of injury, or that their sport does not require an athlete to be “that strong”.

Wed Oct 19, 2022
Conventional Deadlift Setup

Conventional Deadlift Setup

You must achieve optimal positioning before moving the barbell, no matter the lift. Finding your optimal positioning for any barbell movement lowers your risk of injury and allows you to display higher levels of absolute strength. When you find form and positioning that works best for your body type and leverages, you will lift more weight and feel better moving it. 

Wed May 18, 2022
Building Optimal Back Strength

Building Optimal Back Strength

Westside Barbell's Big 3 Back Exercises

Wed Feb 02, 2022
WSBB Blog: Deficit Deadlifts

WSBB Blog: Deficit Deadlifts

Tags: Hamstring, Grip, Reverse Hyper No matter if you are a powerlifter, a strongman, a...

Mon Oct 04, 2021
WSBB Blog: Fix Your Deadlift Weakness

WSBB Blog: Fix Your Deadlift Weakness

Tags: Hamstrings, Grip, Conventional Deadlift The deadlift is one of the most simple exercises in execution,...

Tue Aug 17, 2021
WSBB Blog: Primary Accessory Exercises for the Deadlift

WSBB Blog: Primary Accessory Exercises for the Deadlift

In the mind of the average strength coach, you must constantly train competition specific movements in order...

Tue Aug 03, 2021
WSBB Blog: Overcoming Common Sticking Points in the Deadlift

WSBB Blog: Overcoming Common Sticking Points in the Deadlift

Tags: Knockout power, Speed-Strength, Cardio One of the most celebrated lifts, having a strong deadlift...

Fri Jul 09, 2021
WSBB Blog: Conventional Deadlift Set Up 101

WSBB Blog: Conventional Deadlift Set Up 101

Tags: Deadlift, Strength, Conjugate Time to Read: 5min When it comes to the deadlift, many lifters...

Tue Feb 23, 2021
The Need for a Deadlift        

The Need for a Deadlift        

  Years ago they would say the meet doesn’t start until the bar hits the...

Thu Nov 01, 2018
The Seated Deadlift

The Seated Deadlift

When executing a sumo deadlift most beginners will start the pull by not pushing the...

Mon Jul 17, 2017
Sumo Deadlift

Sumo Deadlift

In the 1970s the sumo deadlift was a rarity. A lifter from Indiana called Carlos...

Mon Jul 17, 2017
Top 10 Westside Deadlifts

Top 10 Westside Deadlifts

Westside Barbells Top 10 Deadlifts   Rank First Name Last Name Total Wt Class Body...

Wed Oct 19, 2016


Squat and bench press records are continually being set in recent years. It’s easy to...

Tue Oct 18, 2016


There are approximately 65 700lb benchers and 35 1000lb squatters. But when one looks at...

Tue Oct 18, 2016