Strength Training Articles

Dynamic Effort Method Articles

Articles Tagged with Dynamic Effort Method
The WSBB Guide to Dynamic Effort Training

The WSBB Guide to Dynamic Effort Training

Executing dynamic effort training to standard will significantly benefit all athletes. They will become more explosive and see substantial improvements in their athletic performance. Don't be misled by an uninformed coach; dynamic effort training is essential for all athletes.

Mon Dec 30, 2024
Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Lower Walkthrough

Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Lower Walkthrough

The dynamic effort method can be confusing to the beginner. However, once you begin to understand why we do what we do, it becomes rather simple. The big idea is to move submaximal weights as fast as possible, with the training weights decided by percentages taken from current PR lifts. 

Fri Sep 20, 2024
Starting Conjugate: Adjusting DE Lower Training Percentages

Starting Conjugate: Adjusting DE Lower Training Percentages

Dynamic effort lower training days feature both a squat and deadlift main exercise. First, we execute the squat workout, then follow up with the deadlift. When performing a dynamic effort lower workout, there are specific training percentages and velocity requirements that must be met.

Wed Apr 17, 2024
Justin Inacio's 8-Week Bench Press Breakthrough

Justin Inacio's 8-Week Bench Press Breakthrough

In his rookie season, when athletes often focus just on their games, Justin Inacio, a...

Fri Mar 15, 2024
Troubleshooting Dynamic Effort Squat Training

Troubleshooting Dynamic Effort Squat Training

Dynamic effort training must be performed for an athlete to reap the maximum rewards of max effort training. Max-effort training improves absolute strength, which is the maximum amount of force an athlete can produce. Dynamic effort training improves the rate of force development, which is the amount of time it takes to produce that force. When you effectively combine the two, you have an extremely strong and explosive athlete.

Thu Jan 26, 2023
Starting Conjugate: Managing Training Volume

Starting Conjugate: Managing Training Volume

The success of your Conjugate Method programming will depend on your ability to properly regulate three aspects of training: intensity, volume, and frequency. All three play a significant role in deciding whether or not you will attain the training goals you have in mind when designing your programming.

Thu Nov 17, 2022
It’s Not a Phase

It’s Not a Phase

Phase training is impractical for a couple of reasons, mainly detraining. Phase training will always lead to detraining as the athlete transitions from phase to phase. This means that you will lose a percentage of the gains you attained in the previous phase due to a lack of focus on that particular strength in the current phase. Essentially, you trade proficiency in one strength for another.

Wed Nov 09, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Basic Workout Template

Starting Conjugate: Basic Workout Template

As an athlete new to the Conjugate Method, it is vital that you understand how to organize your training days properly. The organization of the training week is simple; max-effort lower on Monday, max-effort upper on Wednesday, dynamic-effort lower on Friday, and dynamic-effort upper on Saturday. You don’t have to train on those exact days, but you must maintain the timespan between each training day for recovery to remain optimal. 

Mon Oct 31, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Giant Cambered Bar

Starting Conjugate: Giant Cambered Bar

The giant cambered bar is one of the most effective training tools a gym can have in its arsenal of specialty barbells. What makes this bar so valuable is its emphasis on the posterior chain, significantly improving the strength of the back, glutes, hamstrings, hips, and trunk. If you want to take your squats, deadlifts, jumps, and sprints to the next level, you should use the giant cambered bar for max effort, dynamic effort, and repetition effort work.

Wed Oct 26, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Squat Basics

Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Squat Basics

Dynamic effort training, or "DE" training, is used to increase the rate of force development and accumulate additional volume in sport-relative multi-joint movements. At Westside, we use the dynamic effort method to improve our RFD for the squat, bench, and deadlift.

Fri Oct 21, 2022
Basic Jump Programming

Basic Jump Programming

Becoming explosive makes you dangerous, no matter the sport. If you are on the football field, an explosive player will hit you so hard that your teeth will be loose. On the baseball field, an explosive player will hit the ball further and throw the ball with greater velocity. Even a golfer can benefit, with increased power adding distance to their game

Thu Sep 15, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Basic Press Variations

Starting Conjugate: Basic Press Variations

As many strength athletes know, the bench and overhead press can be two challenging exercises to master. Both involve the shoulders heavily, which are the most moveable joints in the human body. Because of this, it is important to focus on rapidly building the upper body muscle groups that support the upper back, shoulders, and arms.

Fri Sep 09, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Do Your Part

Starting Conjugate: Do Your Part

As the old saying goes, "you get what you put in," this very much rings true in the world of strength and conditioning. Without the proper level of exertion, mental fortitude, and dedication to your training, you will ultimately reach a point where improvement is no longer possible. So, an athlete needs to understand the expectations and execution associated with each method we use. 

Fri Sep 02, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Training Strategies

Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Training Strategies

Over the years, we have employed various strategies when performing dynamic effort training. However, at Westside, we will follow the traditional dynamic effort set and rep scheme as stated in the Westside Book of Methods, or we will utilize a 5 x 5 set and rep scheme. 

Wed Aug 31, 2022
When to Use 5 x 5

When to Use 5 x 5

The 5 x 5 set and rep scheme is a classic strength training approach. Although not optimal for true dynamic effort work, the muscular endurance and hypertrophy benefits associated with 5 x 5 make it a worthy trade—a bit less dynamic effort training effect, but a bit more accumulated volume and hypertrophy.

Fri Aug 26, 2022
A Beginner’s Guide to WSBB Resistance Bands

A Beginner’s Guide to WSBB Resistance Bands

No doubt, resistance bands are effective strength and conditioning tools, but as with any tool, they are only as effective as your ability to properly utilize them. One of the first things you must know when using resistance bands is the average weight associated with each band and which common exercises work best with each band. 

Mon Aug 22, 2022
Building Your First DE Upper Training Wave

Building Your First DE Upper Training Wave

Putting together dynamic effort training can sound complicated when truthfully, it is relatively easy. Here is how we recommend putting together your first dynamic effort training wave.

Fri Aug 19, 2022
Dynamic Effort Upper: Structuring Your Training

Dynamic Effort Upper: Structuring Your Training

The structure of a dynamic effort upper training day is similar to the structure of a dynamic effort lower training day in two ways; both follow a three-week wave schedule, and both follow the same basic order of exercises. 

Here is how to properly structure your dynamic effort training.

Wed Aug 17, 2022
Understanding The Standard Template

Understanding The Standard Template

The program you select is the roadmap that leads you to your training goals. Think of it like this: if you are about to embark on a 1,000-mile trip, would you want the directions that may get you there at some point, or do you want the most efficient route to your destination?

Mon Aug 08, 2022
Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Deadlift Programming

Starting Conjugate: Dynamic Effort Deadlift Programming

When most think of dynamic effort training, they think of two exercises; the squat and the bench press. However, we also utilize the dynamic effort method to increase our ability to generate power in the deadlift, focusing on improving our force production and bar speed the same as we would with the squat or bench press.

Fri Jun 24, 2022