Strength Training Articles

GPP Training Articles

Articles Tagged with GPP Training
Starting Conjugate: Enhancing Work Capacity

Starting Conjugate: Enhancing Work Capacity

One crucial aspect of athleticism we focus on is the development of work capacity. Work capacity refers to the training volume and intensity an athlete can tolerate while maintaining a steady recovery schedule and making positive training adaptations. Ultimately, an athlete's work capacity plays a significant role in dictating the level of strength, speed, and fitness an athlete can achieve. 

Thu Nov 09, 2023
Sled Workouts

Sled Workouts

The sled is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment an athlete or coach can have at their disposal. Sled training can be manipulated and implemented in different ways to deliver a multitude of training benefits. Depending on the exercise programming, the sled can be used to improve strength, explosive power, and conditioning. 

Thu May 25, 2023
Conditioning for Grapplers

Conditioning for Grapplers

When most think of conditioning work, their mind goes to exercises like long-distance jogging or hill sprints. While these exercises are excellent options to choose when building aerobic capacity, they aren’t exactly relative to the sport. If you want to maximize the conditioning for a specific sport, you must find ways to tax and fatigue the athlete relative to their sport.

Tue Oct 04, 2022
Understanding The Standard Template

Understanding The Standard Template

The program you select is the roadmap that leads you to your training goals. Think of it like this: if you are about to embark on a 1,000-mile trip, would you want the directions that may get you there at some point, or do you want the most efficient route to your destination?

Mon Aug 08, 2022
Outdoor Conditioning

Outdoor Conditioning

As conditioning increases, you will notice improvements in a few different areas. You'll be capable of performing more sets, you'll have the ability to train at a faster pace, and you'll recover faster between workouts. Most importantly, you'll be doing something beneficial to your long-term cardiovascular health. 

Fri Jul 29, 2022
Barbell Conditioning

Barbell Conditioning

As an athlete, your conditioning decides a lot about the success you’ll have in your sport. Failure to maintain proper conditioning levels relative to your sport will lead to decreased performance, loss of ability, or worse - injury. 

Mon Jul 18, 2022
Using Bodyweight Exercises to Increase Fitness

Using Bodyweight Exercises to Increase Fitness

Implementing bodyweight exercises allows you to increase your strength, size, athleticism, and mobility. Movements such as pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, dips, air squats, Hindu squats, and burpees are some of the oldest exercises we have used to increase physical fitness.

Wed Jun 22, 2022