Strength Training Articles

Repetition Method Articles

Articles Tagged with Repetition Method
Westside Barbell Ab Training

Westside Barbell Ab Training

It’s simple; if you want to become as strong as possible, you must have a strong trunk. Without the ability to create a strong brace, you will miss lifts or experience a lower back injury that forces you to take time off. If you have a weak trunk, it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong.

Fri Oct 07, 2022
The Importance of Calf Training

The Importance of Calf Training

One muscle group that athletes must address is the calves. The calf muscles play a tremendous role in athletics and should be a prioritized muscle group in any training program. As mentioned above, joint stabilization is critical regarding dynamic movement and power output. Without strong calves supporting the ankles and knees, an athlete is at greater risk of injury.

Mon Jul 11, 2022